И заслужи мне славы дань:
Кривые толки, шум и брань!
-- original Russian text
Enjoy the meed which Fame bestows--
Misunderstanding, words and blows.
-- Henry Spalding
[...Go, my dear creation:]
Be sentenced by a crooked jury
And earn me fame and sound and fury.
-- Babette Deutsch
You'll earn me the rewards of fame:
Distorted judgments, noise and blame!
-- Walter Arendt, trans.
And deserve for me fame's tribute,
false interpretations, noise and abuse!
-- Vladimir Nabokov, trans.
earn for me the rewards of fame --
misunderstanding, noise, and blame!
-- Charles Johnston, trans.
And earn me tribute paid to fame:
Distorted readings, noise and blame!
-- James Fallen, trans.
And earn me glory's just deserts:
Hot air, vain noise, faint praise that hurts.
-- Douglas Hofstadter, trans.
[...and earn for me the tributes, plaudits,]
which I deserve, though you induce
bewilderment, alarm, abuse.
-- Tom Beck
And earn for me the prize of fame:
Falsification, noise and blame!
-- Stanley Mitchell, trans.
Earn me the first fruits of fame,
Noise, incomprehension, blame!
-- A. S. Kline
For me the homage of their views:
Warped thinking, uproar and abuse.
-- Mary Hobson
Earn me the fame that will induce
Skewed comments shrilling with abuse.
-- Anthony Briggs